Mechanics & Materials News
Charles Dorn to become Assistant Professor

Charles Dorn, postdoctoral researcher at the Mechanics and Materials Laboratory under Professor Dennis Kochmann in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Washington.
ETH Medal for Junyu Chen

Congratulations to Junyu Chen for receiving ETH Medal for his Master Thesis "Theoretical modelling and experimental investigation of 3D straw-based truss metamaterials".
Kannan and Karapiperis appointed professors

Konstantinos Karapiperis and Vignesh Kannan, both postdoctoral researchers in Professor Dennis Kochmann's lab at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, have been appointed professors.
Congratulations to Shashank Saxena for winning SWICCOMAS 2024 Poster Competition!

Our doctoral student, Shashank Saxena, recently won the best poster award in the SWICCOMMAS 2024 Poster Competition held at ETH Zurich on February 16th.
Modeling and characterizing ferroelectric materials across scales
Through multiscale simulations and many-scales-spanning experiments we explore the complex electro-mechanically behavior of ferroelectric ceramics.