Master/PhD Studies
At the Master's and Doctoral level, we offer the following courses:
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
This course is desgiend for Bachelor students (elective in the sixth semester) as well as for entry-level Master students (free elective). We provide an introduction to finite element analysis with a focus on the theory behind the finite element method and its implementation for solving engineering problems. Rather than studying specific software, we treat the fundamentals and implement our own finite element code in MATLAB throughout the course in a series of computational projects that build upon one another. More about Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
Multiscale Modeling
This class for Master and Doctoral students provides an introduction into multiscale modeling techniques in solid mechanics and materials science. Multiscale approaches are powerful tools to bridge across multiple scales, aimed at linking macroscopic behavior to microscale features and mechanisms. In this course, we discuss the theoretical foundations and numerical applications of multiscale modeling in mechanics, from electronic-structure and atomistic techniques all the way up to the macroscopic continuum scale with a focus on scale-bridging methodologies. More about Multiscale Modeling

Master thesis & Semester Project
We offer theoretical, numerical and experimental research projects that can be completed, among others, within the scope of a semester project or a Master thesis. More about research projects