Lab Members
Lab Director
Prof. Dr. Dennis M. Kochmann
Professor of Mechanics & Materials
Deputy Head of Department
Kasia Di Muzio
Administrative Assistant
Jan-Hendrik Bastek
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: truss fracture toughness, machine learning applied to metamaterials, frame shells
Dr. Gerhard Bräunlich
Scientific Computing
Mathieu Brodmann
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: ferroelectric materials, multi-scale characterization, experimental mechanics
Dr. Emil Bronshtein
Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Topics: mechanical avalanches, mechanics of materials, metamaterials
Rodrigo Castillo-Acuña
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: mechanics of tissues, meshless methods
Junyu Chen
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: reconfigurable metamaterials, multistable metamaterials, soft robotics
Hsu-Cheng Cheng
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: ferroelectric ceramics, phase-field modeling, phase transformation
Dr. Claire Griesbach
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Topics: ferroelectric materials, experimental micromechanics and structural characterization
Dr. Dotan Ilssar
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Topics: reconfigurable metamaterials, nonlinear dynamics, machine learning, experimental identification of dynamic systems
Dr. Matheus Inguaggiato Nora Rosa
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Topics: wave propagation, quasiperiodic metamaterials
Dr. Vignesh Kannan
Senior Scientist
Research Topics: ferroelectrics, experimental characterization, small-scale imaging
Kevin Kraschewski
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: coarse-graining techniques, truss metamaterials, meshless methods
Helen Le Clézio
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: multiscale modeling of non-periodic and complex nonlinear structural networks
Elias Pescialli
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: computational mechanics, intertwined architected metamaterials
Shashank Saxena
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: coarse-grained atomistics and mass transport
Veit Schönherr
Lab Technician
Miguel Spinola
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: coarse-grained atomistics for multi-physics applications
Jean-Claude Tomasina
Lab Technician
Jung-Chew Tse
3D Printing Technician
Li Zheng
Doctoral Student in Mechanical Engineering
Research Topics: machine learning applied to mechanics