
Advanced Max-Ent

An open-source meshfree simulation framework based on enhanced local maximum-entropy interpolants in an updated-Lagragian setting for (quasi)static and dynamic simulations of mechanical (initial) boundary value problems is currenty in preparation.


A versatile and open-source finite element code with a variational structure, suitable for linearized and finite kinematics, for (quasi)static and dynamic simulations of mechanical and coupled problems. To the Ae108 repository


A 3D updated-Lagrangian quasicontinuum code for coarse-grained atomistic simulations at zero and finite temperature is currently in preparation.

Inverse Truss Design

A deep-learning-based framework to instantly design truss metamaterials with a given homogenized anisotropic stiffness as presented in our paper external page'Inverting the structure–property map of truss metamaterials by deep learning'. external pageTo the InvertibleTrussDesign repository

PINNs for shell structures

A physics-informed neural network framework to solve for the small-strain displacements of arbitrarily curved shells as presented in our paper external page‘Physics-Informed Neural Networks for shell structures’. To the external pagerepository


The numerical code to generate spinoid topologies is available as part of the external pageGIBBON library. Machine learning codes to identify design parameters for a target anisotropic stiffness are available from external pagethis release.


An open-source C++ library providing a computational framework for slender geometrically-exact discrete beam networks, accounting for elastic and inelastic behavior, performing (quasi)static and dynamic simulations, and being applicable to complex networks of trusses, frames, ribbons and more. To the UtoBeams repository

Video diffusion for nonlinear metamaterial design

A generative video diffusion framework to design metamaterials with a target nonlinear stress-strain response as presented in our paper external page‘Inverse design of nonlinear mechanical metamaterials via video denoising diffusion models’. external pageTo the repository

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